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RE: RE: [Mt-Gravatt-Walking-Group] Jenn standing down from leading the group due to illness

From: Jennifer W.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 6, 2012, 5:48 PM

Thanks Esther you are lovely. I get more info tomorrow from the surgeon re what happens next with my treatment. I will then have a better idea of my routine for the next few months. I am healing up well and out for walks on the hill in the cool of early morning. Thanks for your kind words and Love. Jenn


From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Esther Oliver
Sent: Tuesday, 6 November[masked]:44 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: RE: [Mt-Gravatt-Walking-Group] Jenn standing down from leading the group due to illness


Dear Jenn and all,

I have been training for rowing in the Pan Pacific Games so have not been bushwalking on Fridays as it is a training day.

I am so, so sorry to hear of your surgery Jenn, but I am so glad that you found out early and feel that with your fitness, wonderful attitude, good friends (like me!) who admire you, love you and are sending enormously special and positive thoughts to you, that you will soon let us know that you want us all to visit and bring you some special food/drink/herbs/potions/lotions and goodwill, that will cheer and nourish you, heart, soul and body.

I think of you whenever I hear someone talking about a Tibetan Bowl or bell, as you introduced me to the resonance of this clear tonal beauty.  I wish for you that same resonance of goodness and light, and look forward to hearing from you if you need anything at all - a hand massage, a hug, some company (I know, you are essentially a loner, but the offer is there), or whatever you would like me to cook for you.

Best wishes,


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