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FW: Columbia Sportswear News for your Meetup members!

From: JohnB
Sent on: Tuesday, December 6, 2011, 1:52 PM



The Omni-Heat Electric anti-spokesman Wim Hof set the world record this month for ice endurance to 1 hour, 52 minutes, and 42 seconds. See video here. Hopefully that video didn't give you too many chills.

This winter you'll be able to make your own heat. The Omni-Heat baselayer uses reflective dot lining to reflect and retain the warmth your body generates. At the same time, the breathable fabric reduces excess heat and moisture. Best of both worlds? We think so.

Where are you headed next? Send Columbia pictures, trip reports, and insider tips (epic trails, powder stashes, etc.) to Twitter @Columbia1938 or Facebook

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