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New Meetup: Starry Night at Sheep Hill Observatory

From: Melanie J
Sent on: Monday, November 8, 2010, 9:32 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for NJ/PA/NY 20-30's OUT & ABOUT!

What: Starry Night at Sheep Hill Observatory

When: Saturday, November 13,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Sheep Hill Observatory
End of Ross Dr.
Boonton, NJ 07005

For those that missed the first event or wanted to see if we can get a clearer sky, I'm hosting the same this Saturday night.
Please RSVP!

Sheep Hill Astronomical Association (SHAA) is located in the town of Boonton, in Morris County. It was formed when several dedicated amateur astronomers decided to group together to build an observatory for their own and public use. The result of their effort is Sheep Hill Observatory with its 16-foot dome housing a 18-inch Newtonian equatorially mounted telescope.

The best time to observe galaxies, planets, nebula's and star clusters is closest to the new moon when there is little light pollution. Jupiter is the current planet in site and will also be observed!

Please join us for a personal guided tour of our night sky. We may be spending 1-2 hr's there but at your leisure.
Following, a stop at Mara's Cafe for tea, coffee and maybe some sweets for those interested.

Sheep Hill Observatory is a non-profit Association.
There is no fee for this event however, your support for any donation (whatever you feel comfortable giving) is appreciated.

*Please dress for cold weather. This event will be "Outdoors" with only maybe a 5 degree difference in the dome.* The temperature is always colder from wherever your coming from on top of the hill.
There will be other guides and their telescopes outside the dome that we can use. *Please also try not use any flashlights once you in the Sheep Hill Parking lot leading to the Dome.

Cancellation: If it is too cloudy or raining that night, the event will be canceled. We just won't know till that night so please check the meetup details at least an hour before hand. I will keep you posted as early as I can.

For directions and more info. please visit their web-site:
Note: Once you reach the end of Ross Dr., you will hit the first dirt parking lot. Follow to the right up a small hill and you are in the 2nd parking lot where we'll be. If the lot is full, you can park in the first. Please keep the spaces tight to leave room for others.

Directions to Mara's Cafe: (approx. 10-15min. drive)
25 East Main Street
Denville, NJ 07834

Head west on Ross Dr. toward James St. (0.5 mi.)
Turn Left on Woontton St. (0.1 mi.)
Make your 3rd Right onto Boonton Ave. (0.5 mi.)
Turn Right on Main St. at light (0.8 mi.)
(STAY LEFT AT THE FORK) Continue onto County 618/Powerville Rd (0.1 mi.)
Continue onto Boulevard (2 mi.)
Turn Right on Pocono Rd. (1.4mi.)
Turn Left at Diamond Spring Rd. at light (0.3mi.)
Continue straight onto NJ-53 S/E Main St
At Traffic light, make a Wide left to stay on NJ-53 S/E Main St. Mara's will be approx. 213ft. on your right. Or stay straight to enter parking lot located behind Mara's Cafe. Park closer towards the left side of the lot as far down as you can closest to Mara's.
You can also look for parking on the street.

Please e-mail me with any questions or you can contact me via cell #[masked].

Thanks and look forward to seeing you!

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