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New Meetup: Hiking at Harriman State Park 5.5 miles Iron Mines

From: Melanie J
Sent on: Wednesday, November 3, 2010, 8:56 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for NJ/PA/NY 20-30's OUT & ABOUT!

What: Hiking at Harriman State Park 5.5 miles Iron Mines

When: Saturday, November 13,[masked]:00 PM

1.00: $20.00 per person

Where: Harriman State Park
Lake Skannatati parking lot Seven Lakes Drive
Sloatsburg, NY 10974

Who's up for a hike??? Please RSVP

Length: 5.5 miles

Difficulty: Moderate to

Time: 3 hours

Bring hiking boots or hiking sneakers, 3 liters of water, bugs spray, lunch and snacks

Take Route 17 north to the end merge onto the New York state thruway north towards Albany get off at the fist exit 15A to Sloatsburg, New York. Make a left off the ramp just beyond the center of town, make a right at a traffic light onto the Seven Lakes Drive. Follow Seven Lakes Drive for about 8 miles to the parking area for Lake Skannatati( between two lakes ), on the left side of the road. The turnoff to the parking area is 0.7 mile beyond the Kanawauke Circle.

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