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Edtech VC panel on May 27th - 5 free tickets for school administrators, principals, teachers

From: Arrun K.
Sent on: Monday, May 18, 2015, 4:01 PM

All,   I wanted to extend five free tickets (on a first come, first serve basis) to school administrators, principals, or teachers that would be interested in attending our edtech VC panel and reception on May 27th from 5:30pm-8pm in NYC.  The panel: “Edtech Investing 301: Where is the Smart Money Going?” will include:


·         Brian Napack, Senior Advisor, Providence Equity Partners

·         John Katzman, Angel Investor and CEO, Noodle

·         Matt Greenfield, Managing Partner, Rethink Education

·         Matt Hanson, Partner, GSV Asset Management


If you are interesting in taking advantage of this please email me from your work email with your full name, affiliation and role.






Arrun Kapoor

Managing Director

SJF Ventures

885 Third Avenue, 20th Floor

New York, NY 10022



[address removed]


High growth. Positive impact.


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