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New Meetup: Designing the Urban Ark: Biodiversity and the Future of Cities

From: Rebecca
Sent on: Tuesday, March 3, 2009, 11:38 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Nerd Fun - Boston!

What: Designing the Urban Ark: Biodiversity and the Future of Cities

When: March 18,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Come to the final Darwin lecture!

Optional dinner afterwards in Harvard Square, at veggie-friendly restaurant.

Note: I'm not sure I can arrive exactly at 5:30, so if someone else can print out Meetup sign and wait for folks outside, that'd be great--then when I arrive, I'll go inside and save us seats.

If you're not sure you can make it, then please RSVP "Maybe"; all Maybe's will be asked to change to Yes/No a few days before the event.

* * * * * * * * *

New Directions in EcoPlanning Annual Lecture
Designing the Urban Ark: Biodiversity and the Future of Cities

Lecture by Kristina Hill
Wednesday, March 18, 6:00 pm

Can future cities support both biodiversity and healthy human populations? How will climate change alter the context for humans? relationships with other species? Kristina Hill, Assistant Professor and Director of Landscape Architecture at the University of Virginia, will present evidence of urban growth in the Pacific Northwest and urban shrinkage in the Great Lakes region that suggests a positive solution to these challenging questions. Dr. Hill will outline a vision for biodiversity and urban planning based on human self-interest, development conditions, climate change, and lessons learned in other regions of the United States. Free and open to the public in the Geological Lecture Hall, 24 Oxford Street.

The lecture series, New Directions in EcoPlanning, is presented by the Harvard Museum of Natural History and supported by a generous gift from Michael Dyett (AB ?68, MRP ?72) and Heidi Richardson. For more information see the Press Release.

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