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The WCGOP Needs Strong Leadership

From: Craig & Julie N.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 22, 2015, 11:50 AM

The WCGOP Needs Strong Leadership and We All Saw That…

The entire reason we have so much bickering in the Republican ranks is lack of leadership with a clear vision of where we ought to go. The rank and file members of the Washoe Central Committee need to see the big picture and there is only one leader who has demonstrated that to me. Tom Dickman.
At the Platform Convention last year there were all kinds of ideas for changing the platform. Yet, Tom’s leadership brought everyone to see that we stand by our republican principles here in Washoe County. The platform remained virtually the same. Thank God!

And that’s my main point. If God isn't in it then we ought to be cast down and trodden under foot of men. Tom has picked Adam Khan to lead the party and I concur with that. We need to reach out to Millennials in a big way. Adam may not be as devoted to our principles as I am but he will be as he learns and grows to see how evil the left is. He has lead the College Republicans to become a large and very active organization at UNR, that shows great leadership among a widely diverse population as well. They will create a consistently powerful Republican Party for Washoe County.
There are only two sides in this campaign and that’s either good or evil. The left has come out of the closet thinking they have a chance to destroy America and every Christian and Jew. We are witnessing this in the Middle East Holocaust every day and at Bakeries, Barns and Pizzerias.

I stand with Adam, Tom, Chuck and Barb and I hope you will too.

Written by Craig Newton


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