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Saturday lunch in June at Bake O'Clock and Govinda 12:30pm

From: Notts V.
Sent on: Friday, May 17, 2013, 11:39 AM

Hi all

Poll now up for June Saturday lunch at Bake O'Clock and Govinda's.

There are 2 new places serving veg*n food in Nottingham city centre. This poll is to set up Saturday lunch visits there in June (they are not open on Sunday or in the evening).

Bake O'Clock is a Art Gallery / Cafe opposite the Tourist Centre by the Council House - it is up an dead-end alley - look for A board outside.

Govinda is an Indian Food Cafe in Thurland Street opposite New Look (Hare Krishna run)

I will put up meet ups based on the most popular days in a week or so.

A reminder that you can suggest meetup events for the group and when a couple of other people RSVP yes they will convert to full meetups.

