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CDM Beach Volleyball at Sunset

From: Josh C.
Sent on: Monday, February 27, 2012, 12:32 PM

Hey Summer of Sport Groupies,

This is just a heads up that due to a request from the Endless Summer group, I have been asked to take down the weekly announcement for the CDM Beach Volleyball meetup on Sundays.   Apparently, some of the people that frequented that particular meetup from the Endless Summer group felt inadequate when a second court was setup for those wanting to play some games of 2's and 3's.   Some of us just wanted to get a bit more of a workout and improve upon our volleyball skills, all the while still having plenty of fun.  Unfortunately, some people took that the wrong way.

So, with that in mind, if you are interested in playing some 2's or 3's, please shoot me a message.   In the near future I will be setting up our own volleyball meetups and I look forward to seeing some of you out on the courts.  Also, once the time changes to give us some more evening sunlight, I will be setting up some weekday volleyball sessions.

For those that are interested in playing some 4's, 5's, and 6's, please head on over to the Endless Summer meetup group.  They meet every Sunday and it's a great group for those that want to play some relaxing volleyball.




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