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Special Guest Teacher preempts this Sunday's Meditation Group

From: Keith M.
Sent on: Monday, January 6, 2014, 6:36 PM

Dear Members of Old Town Alexandria Buddhist Teaching/Meditation Group,

This is to make sure everyone knows we will not have our usual meditation group meeting this Sunday morning, Jan. 12th. Tulku Dawa Gyalpo Rinpoche, our special guest teacher, will be talking on “Patience,” a commentary on the sixth chapter of A Guide to The Bodhisattva’s Way of Life, a text by the great eighth century master Shantideva. This is a teaching in three parts: Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning and Sunday afternoon. For information on Tulku Rinpoche’s entire program, go to our Meet Up page calendar, or to our website (in the sign-off below).  More information is also found by clicking the names in bold in this message.

Reading the text (chapter six on “Patience”) before receiving the teachings is strongly recommended. Many translations are available; we recommend the Padmakara Group edition, or the Wallace translation. His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s book Healing Anger is a commentary on the sixth chapter. An excellent commentary on the entire text by Khenpo Kunpal is titled The Nectar of Manjushri's Speech.

[PCD-DC operates by donations only. We request an offering of $20 for each session to defray Tulku Rinpoche’s travel and expenses. However, no one will be refused entrance for want of money. PCD-DC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.]

May All be Auspicious!

the Meet Up organizers, and
Palyul Changchub Dargyeling--D.C. Area