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December 8th Play & Party - MLS Cup at Upper 90

From: Caleb O.
Sent on: Friday, November 30, 2018, 11:12 AM

Hello everyone,

Join us Saturday, December 8th at Upper 90 to Play & Party! Pickup games start as early as 5:30pm until 7:30pm (maybe longer). The MLS Cup and our annual end-of-the-year celebration will begin at 7:30pm. There will be free beer and pizza thanks to our sponsors! Raffle prizes (Limited edition PS2G x Homeless World Cup jerseys) will be given out at kickoff and halftime.

2018 has been an incredible year thanks to all of you! We are lucky to have such generous PS2G members show up week after week to play or lead in one of our games. PS2G collects your donations and gives back to our local and global charity partners. Representatives from these Street Soccer USA, Round Star Foundation and South Bronx United will attend the party to connect the mission with our games. Come celebrate the positive impact we have had together!

$20 donation when you RSVP on Meetup will get you access to 2 hours of pickup and the afterparty. $10 donation to skip the pickup and attend the afterparty. Hope to se you there and help us spread the word!

Caleb Olson - National Director

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