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Re: [Provocateurs] Question

From: Judith S.
Sent on: Sunday, August 10, 2014, 8:20 AM
Fair enough question.
From: Fred
Sent: Sunday, August 10,[masked]:06 AM
Subject: [Provocateurs] Question
Hey Provocateurs,

We decided Friday night to try to do a little poll by email to find out what percentage of our group was pretty set in their religious or irreligious beliefs by the end of their teenage years, compared with those who have come to their present worldview since their teenage years.  At least I think that’s what we were trying to find out.

So don’t answer the question yet, but first let me know if you approve if we put the question like this:

QUESTION:  Had you come to your present worldview (regarding your belief or disbelief in a God of some sort  (A) before the age of 19, or (B) after the age of 19?

Is that an OK way to put the question?


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