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Re: [Provocateurs] Why religion is bad for your brain

From: David
Sent on: Friday, August 15, 2014, 3:46 PM
... science-related books written by such authors as Carl Sagan, Stephen Jay Gould, Stephen Hawking, Isaac Asimov, and Bertrand Russell ...  - Eugene below
You have just listed some of my favorite authors, starting with Russell, who was a philosopher, not a scientist. The scientists listed did have some philosophy in their writings as well.
'Real Christian' - mostly, I am making a joke, similar to asking if the Pope is Catholic. I put asking a Baptist minister if he is a 'real Christian' in the same category. Sorry, if I haven't been explicit.
I now know several 'real Christian' claimants, who inexplicably, are still, apparently, capable of thinking and critical thinking.
The thing that I have noodled for a while, is, why do you believe? What do you gain from believing in your god?
I talk about the Flying Spagetti Monster as a joke, but you and Fred really believe this stuff. How does it affect your life? Belief or non-belief does not change how I cultivate my garden.
From: Eugene Curry <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Friday, August 15,[masked]:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Provocateurs] Why religion is bad for your brain

Hi Dave,

Just to make sure my hunch wasn't way off, I checked the catalogue at a local Kansas City Catholic High School. St. Pius X High School's own library contains science-related books written by such authors as Carl Sagan, Stephen Jay Gould, Stephen Hawking, Isaac Asimov, and Bertrand Russell. Needless to say, none of these books, in a Catholic school's own library no less, have either the Nihil Obstat or the Imprimatur.

It seems that Catholic schools aren't exactly trying to hide either science or disbelief from their students.

This sort of thing, along with your questioning whether Fred or I are "real Christians" (because we aren't simpletons nor fundamentalists), makes me wonder whether your own disbelief is really rooted in the facts or if, instead, it is primarily indebted to a series of (willful?) mischaracterizations of Christianity and Christians.


From: David <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Friday, August 15,[masked]:10 PM
Subject: [Provocateurs] Why religion is bad for your brain

Shortly after I learned to read, I discovered that religion (Catholic in my case) and science were at odds.
I used to go to the public library for books. As a child, I was restricted to the basement, the children's books. This produced one of my crises of faith. As a Catholic, I was expected to look for Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur in the books I read.
The problem is that none of the books I wanted to read contained them. In other words, the science books I wanted to read were not 'nothing objectionable' and 'approved'. I chose science.
In other words, the church was trying to prevent me from thinking. Anyone remember 'an idle mind is the devil's workshop'? The devil had a good time with me; I suspect that reading a book was considered an idle mind.
Used to be a young skeptic

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