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P&P Financials

From: Fred H.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 13, 2015, 12:49 PM
Hey Provocateurs,

Here's our up-to-date, boring financial statement.  But it does raise the question, what are we going to do with this amazingly huge wad of cash, since so many of our speakers recently have had tiny appetites and have not eaten very much or drunk much beer at the Blue Moose?

What should we do?  Several of us have an idea.  Is the suspense killing you?  See the next email ...

Fred Heeren

Provocateurs & Peacemakers
Lazy Readers
Financial Statement
Year-to-date January 9, 2015
Meeting Date Expense Donation Balance
LR 1/17/14 12.00 12.00
P&P 2/7/14 50.00 62.00
LR 3/7/14 12.00 74.00
Meetup Site (6 mo.) 3/10/14 72.00 2.00
P&P 3/14/14 37.35 39.35
P&P 4/11/14 32.07 71.42
Speaker meal 4/11/14 16.06 55.36
P&P 4/25/14 31.00 86.36
Speaker meal 4/25/14 15.44 70.92
P&P 5/9/14 36.00 106.92
Speaker meal 5/9/14 18.02 88.90
LR 5/23/14 16.75 105.65
P&P 6/13/14 35.00 140.65
Speaker travel 6/13/14 75.00 65.65
Speaker meal 6/13/14 28.91 36.74
LR 6/27/14 11.00 47.74
P&P 7/4/14 41.41 89.15
LR 7/25/14 23.00 112.15
P&P 8/8/14 41.00 153.15
LR 8/22/14 33.00 186.15
P&P 9/12/14 38.75 224.90
Speaker meal 9/12/14 4.25 220.65
Meetup Site (6 mo.) 9/24/14 72.00 148.65
LR 9/26/14 1.00 149.65
P&P 10/10/14 34.00 183.65
Speaker meal 10/10/14 12.00 171.65
LR 10/24/14 12.00 183.65
P&P 11/14/14 43.00 226.65
Speaker meal 11/14/14 15.29 211.36
LR 12/12/14 17.00 228.36
P&P 1/9/15 38.00 266.36
TOTALS 328.97 595.33 266.36

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