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Helping Lex's Family

From: Matthew F.
Sent on: Friday, April 11, 2014, 7:49 PM

A few days ago, I wrote to inform you of the passing of our member and my good friend Alexander "Lex" Boutilier.

Tomorrow (Saturday the 12th), some of Lex's friend will meet in Itaewon at 2pm to brainstorm ways to help Lex's family (his wife and two young children) through this difficult time.  They asked me to pass on this information.

If you were a friend or acquaintance of Lex and would like to participate tomorrow, please e-mail me (or reply to this e-mail) for more information.  Please let me know as early as possible so I can let them know how many additional people to expect.

I already sent out this notice once today, but it seems it was not delivered to everyone, so I'm sending it again. If you received it twice, I apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you,

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