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Bioshelters, workshop with Jonathan Bates from "Paradise Lot" organized by Wolf Bravo

From: Wolf B.
Sent on: Saturday, April 22, 2017, 5:09 PM

Hello Roundout permies!

I am Wolf Bravo, founder of the Hudson Valley Scavenger, I wanted to bring a Bioshelter workshop to the Hudson Valley, so I talk to Jonathan bates, co-author of "Paradise lot" and he say yes.
Here is a taste, to what it is to come, on Saturday June 24th .

Click on the link or copy and paste on your browser, then click on Bioshelter on the menu to the right, then scroll half way down to read about it.

Jonathan Website is: has a nice video of his work. Please fell free to contact me, if you want to know more about the upcoming workshop.

You can also follow my FB page, it is dedicated to create sustainable systems and lifestyles in the Hudson Valley:

I will be posting the flyer soon.



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