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Fab Photos - BBQ Cooking Class | "GET TO 2ND DATE"(Dating Advice) | Comedy in SF

From: Laura
Sent on: Friday, August 2, 2013, 9:17 AM

Happy TGIF!!!

Phenomenal BBQ Cooking Demo and Dinner last night! Please join us the next time!  Here are some great pics taken by Getty Images Photographer - Trisha Leeper.


  • NEW! More "He Said...She Said" Dating Advice on HOW TO GET TO A SECOND DATE!!! :)  See below!
  • NEW! Saturday, August 10th - Flirting with Laughter at The Purple Onion @ Kell's Irish Pub and Restaurant in San Francisco (Ages mid 20's to late 30's) 530 Jackson Street. Combines stand-up comedy, audience participation, and improv into an exhilarating 2-hour event. You'll laugh out loud, let go of the workweek stress, and quite possibly meet someone that makes you smile.  $10.00 and limited space.  Purchase tickets on-line at: Featuring top bay area comedians who have performed The Punchline, The Improv, and MORE! Post-show cocktail half-hour Our DJ will be spinning tunes during our post-show cocktail hour. Grab a drink, chat with the performers and make some new friends. 5:30-7:30PM.  Promoted by Singles Supper Club, LLC.
  • Friday, August 16th - Dance Party w/Optional Progressive Dinner at Tarragon's in downtown Sunnyvale (Ages 35+). Register for Progressive Dinner by Monday, 8/12...that's just around the corner!! This is a great way to make friends and romantic connections before the dance party that follows!  Tarragon restaurant gets great reviews. Here's Annie Gleason's, expert dating coach,  opinion on progressive dinners  Or just come for the dance party - which starts at 8:30.  Please see details below!
  • You have a few more days to listen to the interview recording with Chris Mott ( on "How to Be the One to Attract the One!" I interviewed Chris last year during my How to Attract the Love of Your Life Tele-Series.  He has some great advice so I thought I'd share it with you again. NEXT! "How to Make Those First Three Dates So Exciting, She Can't Wait for More!!" An interview with Joy Nordenstrom of Joy of Stay tuned for my next email!

Have a great weekend!


Friday, August 16th - Progressive Dinner & Dance Party at Tarragon's in Sunnyvale.

140 South Murphy Ave.

Ages - 35 +

Join other singles ages 35+ for a delicious Progressive Dinner followed by a lively dance party at Tarragon's in downtown Sunnyvale!

Progressive Dinners, where men rotate seats between courses, are an excellent way to make new friends and possibly a romantic connection. And, Singles Supper Club will facilitate connections via email after the dinner for those interested. Although we do not guarantee a balance between men and women and age groups, we work in the background to do what we can to make that happen.  Progressive dinners are also an excellent way to make friends before a dance party - you are almost guaranteed someone to dance with after or at least new friends with which to enjoy the dance party.

6:30PM-8:30PM- Progressive Dinner: Starter - Baby Greens Salad.  Entrees - choice of: Seared Salmon, Chicken Breast Marsala, Prime Tri-tip, Roasted Vegetarian Lasagne. Dessert: Tiramisu. Includes coffee/tea service.

Here's Annie Gleason's, expert dating coach,  opinion on progressive dinners

8:30PM to Midnight - Dance the night away with a great group of singles to today's hottest dance tunes and "oldies but goodies" with one of our favorite versatile DJs!

Special door prize drawing - One hour Dating Coaching with Annie Gleason of valued at $350.00. (You may recognize Annie's name from my He Said...She Said series!! She's great!)

Co-sponsored by Singles Supper Club, LLC and Society for Single Professionals.


Dinner & Dance - $49.00 Includes 3 course sit down dinner includes coffee/tea service, tax, tip and dance party! No Host Cash Bar.  Register and Prepay HERE for the Dinner & Dance by Monday, 8/12. Ticketing & Credit card fees apply.   
Dance Only - $15.00 prepay
HERE by Thursday, 8/15; $20.00 Cash at the Door

Registration link:

Dress to impress: Business casual, Cocktail Dresses, Sport's a work day for many so just do what you can especially if you are joining us for dinner at 6:30!

Located near Sunnyvale Caltrain station.  Free street and garage parking.

HE SAID…..SHE SAID! (Dating Advice)

"Getting to the Second Date"

Remember, both Annie and Chris offer dating & relationship coaching. For more information, please feel free to contact them directly and mention where you heard about them.

Annie Gleason Chris Mott

He Said…

By Chris Mott

[address removed]

Getting to second... date.

What's my problem? If I had a dollar for everyone that's asked me that question, well let's just say the cumulative number would land me on some exotic beach with an umbrella in my drink. This question, in the dating realm, is normally the precursor to "Why am I landing first dates but never going on any seconds?"

In business, if we aren't gaining repeat customers, we immediately look to the product to ensure it's a good value. We ensure it's living up to the reputation being marketed. My questions to you, are much the same. Are you a good value? Are you living up to the image and package you are marketing on-line? I'll ask it again. Are you a good value? What a double barrel question that is! Yes, the answers you're searching for rest with you. You should start by asking yourself whether you value yourself? The answer will lead you directly to whether others do the same. I mean seriously, how is someone going to see your true value, when you can't see it?

You must lead with the energy, confidence and value that you wish for in return. Yes, your value must start with you but then there needs to be much more. You need to be the complete package. You must be the catch that he or she has been waiting for in life. You must leave them wanting more. How is this achieved? It's achieved through energy. You need to be electric. You must lead an energy filled existence. Here's the brutal truth. If you're not getting asked out again, it's because there was no attraction or connection. Connection and attraction has everything to do with your personal energy. Attraction and connection have everything to do with your relationship success.

Second date material is the type of person that's fun to be around. They carry on interesting conversations. They can talk about themselves without monopolizing the conversation. They are genuine and sincerely interested in the stories of others. They are confident but not over confident. They are well balanced and not totally consumed with either the past or the present from a dating perspective. They have the right mix that leaves the person sitting across the table eager to find out the next step. They bring value and well balanced energy to the table and live up to their on line representation. - Chris Mott -

She Said….

By Annie Gleason.

[address removed]

How to Blow Your Chance for a Second Date

Your first date conversations can make or break romantic opportunities. The following tactics, based on true stories, are almost guaranteed to send your date running for cover.

Turn-off talking tactics:

  • Talking about yourself without pausing to take a breath results in your date being an audience—not a participant. Cathy told me, “I tried to talk, but he never paused for long enough for me to say anything.”
  • Criticizing or complaining about friends, family, jobs, ex’s, etc. Ray said that he couldn’t wait to get away from the date he called “Negative Nancy.”
  • Bragging: Name-dropping or telling stories about your importance and influence. Sam quickly tired of hearing about Linda’s discussions and activities with celebrities and former presidents.

Sexual conversations:

  • Women: Don’t tell him how long you plan to wait before consenting to sex. When Sandy told Bill that she wouldn’t consider having sex before dating for two or three months, he lost interest.
  • Men: Don’t her how much you want her, or give her a deadline for becoming sexually involved. Sylvia left her date with Bob when he said “If you won’t have sex by the third date, I won’t go out with you.”

Conversation killers:

  • Being rude to those around you. Kumar decided that Sylvia wasn’t for him when she interrupted the waiter, who was busy serving the next table, to order another drink.
  • Putting down the opposite sex: Natasha ran for cover when Don told her,  “I haven’t found an American woman who knows how to be in a relationship. There wasn’t one woman in all of New York who was good enough for me, so I had to go to Madrid to find a wife.”

Avoid these tactics if you want the opportunity to become better acquainted with your dates.

Click here to read my blog post, Eight Ways to Kill your Chances for a Second Date

Dating coach, Annie Gleason, has been coaching frustrated singles into happy, successful love lives since 2007. Click here to go to her website: Get A Love Life.


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