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Pier 22 and Riverwalk

Sent on: Thursday, January 3, 2013, 12:37 PM

Looks like we are all ready to have a great evening of exercize and socialization.  We will start walking on time so think of getting there the past parking was not a problem.  We will be walking about an hour and 15 minutes and then return to Pier 22..1200 1st Ave.  Zip--34205 can't miss it...right in downtown Bradenton ...marina area.    I have mad reservations in the inside bar(they will not do reservations outside).  We can have happy hour and those who want dinner or to stay later for the music which starts at 6:00 can put their name on the waiting list for outside...who knows?? Maybe a table will open up and you might want to stay awhile.  Last time the food was great.


See you there...Carolyn.   [masked]

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