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Tentative show dates

From: Will
Sent on: Monday, April 20, 2009, 3:05 AM
Hey everyone,

I just wanted to let everyone know that I have/will be marking some tentative show dates on the calendar, particularly for the big action type movies coming up. I know sometimes people want to go see an upcoming movie and don't know if there is going to be an event to go to or not, before they may end making other plans or just going alone. This should give an idea of the schedule that's coming up. I will generally be doing movies the weekend after opening, so you won't have to wait for an extended period to see the next "big" movie, just enough to avoid the big hordes... :)

Tentative dates won't have details, since they are just rough timing, but for now most of these shows will either be on Saturday evening, with occasional Sunday afternoons thrown in. I do like to use Fridays sometimes as well but my current schedule there is spoken for more often. These larger movies will also likely still be in Bellevue (at least parking is free), though I am watching membership and attendance and may experiment with some other movies on the Seattle side when possible.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions, otherwise maybe I will see you at an event.

- Will

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