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New Meetup: FREE Music Reading Workshop: "You can learn to read music in one hour!"

From: HGMoses
Sent on: Wednesday, March 17, 2010, 9:58 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Sound-Vibration-Harmony Study Group!

What: FREE Music Reading Workshop: "You can learn to read music in one hour!"

When: Saturday, March 27,[masked]:00 AM

The Institute of Harmonic Science
730 E. Rowlands Lane
Phoenix, AZ 85022

11:00 AM- Noon. A one-hour, quick-paced, action-packed, fun-filled, awakening experience disguised as a class.

The language of Harmony is both mathematical and musical. To truly explore vibration it is important to have a basic understanding of the written language of musical notation.

This class is ideal for anyone who wants to be learn to read notes* whether for singing in a choir, playing an instrument or being able to write down your own music. Or, if you already know how to read music but still don't understand why certain elements mean certain things, this class will liberate you.

We have been teaching people to read music in one hour or less for years. Once the signs and symbols have been decoded you will discover there is a natural flow to music notation which is logical and laden with the potential to become intuitive. That's code for: "If you practice the system on your own, you will find music reading easy, and rarely challenging."

Students will learn to identify the meaning of various notes and rests, how to read the articulation of a score (accents, staccatos and breaths), how to follow dynamics (what is an sfz and when would you use one), and how time and key signatures work. You will also learn how to know if something is in your vocal range or not. Through my fast paced and engaging teaching style, you will also understand the relationship between music, rulers, bird feathers, driving the speed limit, and Italians. Believe me - it's all in there.

Prerequisite: You must have a working knowledge of how to cut a pie into slices and the ability to lean to the left or the right. Bring a pencil or pen. Your worksheets are provided.

We pack a lot in one hour so please be on time. We will conclude with a short question and answer session followed by a hands on (and voices engaged) music reading graduation!

*Note: Reading music and "sight reading" music are two very different skills. This course covers reading music. Sight reading is a skill which can be developed after one is comfortable reading music. We will set you firmly on the path in one fast-paced, highly experiential hour.

This course is sponsored by the Institute of Harmonic Science, a 501c.3 educational organization. This class is FREE to all who attend. Please bring a friend!

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