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New Meetup: "In-Chant" Open House - Experience an exciting new way to induce Vibration!

From: HGMoses
Sent on: Sunday, March 21, 2010, 10:46 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Sound-Vibration-Harmony Study Group!

What: "In-Chant" Open House - Experience an exciting new way to induce Vibration!

When: Monday, March 22,[masked]:30 PM

Price: $10.00 per person

The Institute of Harmonic Science
730 E. Rowlands Lane
Phoenix, AZ 85022

You are invited to an In-Chant? open house this Monday, March 22, and next Monday, March 29 from 6:30-8:30 PM at 730 E. Rowlands Lane in Phoenix.

There are so many things to share with you, and many changes coming round as well. However, this is an evening for singing "In-Chant" - a style of singing which absolutely gets down into your soul. Frankly, my reason for wanting to sing is entirely related to the idea of surrounding myself with like-minded people who are on a conscious spiritual journey. This is a challenging time for many of us as individuals, and for our world as a group. Can singing really make a difference? I do believe that in my heart.

No singing experience is necessary - you do not have to know how to read music.

There will be a basket for a donation to the Institute. Bring a friend and experience uplifting, empowering singing in a group.

Learn more here:

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