What we’re about
I am facilitating this group for members who are interested in both the common knowledge and the inner secrets of sound and vibration through the language of Harmony.
Harmonic vibrational theory suggests that every cell, tissue and organ collectively participate in a venture of vibratory agreement and disagreement. Our bodies, our minds, and our spirits exist as a localized energetic field of frequency-based communication designed to bring the many parts into a state of wholeness - into a state of Harmony.
I have been involved for over a decade in harmonic overtone engineering and have developed products which provide the medical community with novel and useful methods & tools for stimulating health and well-being.
Because engineered harmonic arrays can carry complex streams of bundled frequencies across a localized or broad spectrum, numerous opportunities exist to stimulate and influence the body. Preliminary studies have shown that engineered harmonic overtones can lower blood pressure, reduce levels of anxiety & stress and reduce pain.
Dr. Andrew Weil said of my first harmonic CD project: “The Drone is a powerful and effective psycho-acoustic technology – a way to influence consciousness through sound. In this case the influence is toward a desirable state of calm and attentive centeredness. I recommend trying it.”
Further research reveals this psycho-acoustic effect can be intensified through the use of the human voice. When volunteers were singing, or being sung to, they reported the above-named list of physical changes, as well as altered states of consciousness, heightened bliss, and euphoria. Two participants reported a spontaneous healing from a long term back pain, and a sudden remission of cancer.
Harmony is a potent tool for the propagation, regulation and modification of specific frequencies associated with the biological body, and the consciousness mind. By stimulating heightened zones of sympathetic resonance, we become capable of optimizing the internal and innate harmony of any given component or collective system of the human being.
I believe that engineered harmonic overtones can make the body Sound, and the spirit Light. I look forward to facilitating meetings which provide practical application of the principles contained within the domain of sound, vibration and Harmony.