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Stepping down as group organizer

From: Neal
Sent on: Thursday, April 25, 2013, 9:22 AM
Dear friends- I've very much enjoyed putting together and moderating the Region 6 meetup page. However, my activity and involvement with the page dropped off tremendously over the past 6 months and even more so over the past two months due to a highly contested divorce and child custody dispute I am having with my ex who happens to be a practicing family law attorney. We all prep for different reasons. I am embarrassed to say that prepping for divorce and a child custody dispute are things that I should have prepped better for. However, I didn't prep due to my faith and dedication to maintaining an intact family unit. I was blinded by ignorance of what I would be facing. However, prepping does prepare you for unforeseen events. I would have been worse off today if not for having developed a survival mind set. The region 6 group has successfully risen up to 727 members. However, we are down to 719 members today. I take responsibility for the loss of membership due to my inactivity in finding free activities to facilitate bringing local preparedness minds together throughout the region. It is time for me to step down as organizer to concentrate on health and business in order to be the best father I can be. This page has an underlying culture of bringing the community together, offline for the purpose of networking and education. We haven't offered paid firearm training, or paid boys scout type survival classes because it discourages others in the community from coming forward to freely share. Fostering growth of a self reliant community network of independent families is and has been the premise behind the creation of the group. We have had over 400 events and activities offered over the years. There have been many e-mails sent out to announce activities and to update members of schedule changes. We have done our best not to spam the group with unorganized events, random thoughts, or commercial solicitations. With that being said, I want to extend a huge thank you to the organizers who have helped out tremendously over the years. Chris Petrovich has been the most pro-active organizer we have had who despite having a survival training business has participated in and has organized many many free events for our community. Does anyone have any thoughts, or proposals of how to improve the page, or would you like to become involved on an organization level with this page? Please reach out to me by e-mail, or by posting a reply on the message board. I intend to step down after coordinating an organization team transition in the very near future. Thank you Neal Wiseman [address removed]

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