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Holiday Gathering Chat Ideas

From: Deborah R.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 22, 2011, 4:09 PM
Holiday Gathering Chat Ideas:

1.    weather forecasts, short term and long range, such as information from the farmer's almanacs

2.    how the weather extremes affect life in the U.S.A.

3.    how many people live in your town/city and how many in your area including all rural communities, towns, and cities

4.    the need for more people to do local farming, homesteading, gardening

5.    greenhouses, hoophouses, trellises, cold frames, row covers, etc.

6.    wells' power sources when there is no electricity: generators, solar pumps, hand cranks, etc.

7.    need for more wells with alternative pumps to be drilled in towns and cities

8.    need for more gravity fed water purifiers

9.    need for alternative backup transportation for farm and garden produce, for example horses and wagons

10.  need for very much smooth rocks on hand for backup routes, make trails for horses to pull wagons

11.  need for solar lights on tall poles in some areas, such as in home yards and jogging trails

12.  what farm and garden food crops to plant

Can you think of additional important discussion topics for holiday gatherings?

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