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Looking for level of interest for a weekly meeting to study Dr. Fuhrman's books at the Cary Barnes and Noble

From: steve h.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 18, 2015, 10:33 PM

Hi Everyone,

I thought the Cary Barnes and Noble would be a great location for a weekly study group of Dr. Fuhrman's books.  We could do a chapter a week, and it could also be a form of accountability and sharing strategies for staying on track.

I was thinking of a weekday, more likely in the morning, starting between 10 and 11, (before it gets busy) lasting for an hour.

Please reply to this email if you think you may be interested, and include the day and time that you would prefer.

Also if you're in a different area and would like something like this closer to home, or even in your home, please let me know.



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