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New Meetup: The Writer's Block

From: Meharoona
Sent on: Thursday, May 27, 2010, 11:47 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Vancouver Writers Group!

What: The Writer's Block

When: Sunday, June 6,[masked]:00 AM

Queen Elizabeth Park
Corner of 33rd and Ontario Streets
Vancouver, BC V5K 0A1

I am renaming "Poetry in the Park". This continuous sub-meetup will now be called "The Writer's Block" - I'm reclaiming "writer's block" to be something positive - and something that will be about writing in different spaces (or blocks) - or using the public space to free our writing spirits!

Let's meet at the corner of Ontario and 33rd of Queen Elizabeth Park. The plan will be to walk to the top of the hill where the Bloedel Conservatory is located. There is a beautiful fountain area where we will do our first exercise - pending on crowd level - we will complete the exercise there or find another quieter spot. Then, we will go into this sunken garden, explore, see if we can find a place to sit and share, perhaps do a second exercise.

My criteria: be open and flexible, create a safe inclusive space that respects all who come to share, and ensure all people get a chance/choice to share and let's listen to one another. Writing is a personal experience for many, and it takes a lot of courage to write and share. So when providing feedback, please ensure to provide positive reinforcement and constructive advice - not destructive.

1. your writing tools
2. some blank pieces of plain paper
3. pencil crayons, or pastels, or charcoal - whatever you'd like to use to draw with onto the blank pieces of paper, may be something sturdy to put the paper on to draw... [this will be for the first exercise]
4. Wear comfy shoes for walking, bring an umbrella - if it rains we will go elsewhere along Main St.
5. Bring your own food/beverages or food/beverages to share, your own utensils, napkins, etc.
6. Bring a blanket to sit on

Those of you who came out at the first Poetry in the Park had homework: take the two pieces you each wrote and combine it into one piece. Come prepared to share this.

Those of you who missed this first session - no worries - the exercise above will get you writing.

Look forward to seeing you there!

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