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Re: [vietnamese-87] Next Meetup + More!

From: Huong F.
Sent on: Monday, August 18, 2008, 8:54 PM

This is a note to invite you on behalf of Ken Livingstone (him who won the bid), Mayor of London Boris (him who beat Ken with the aid of a hysterically biased local media) Gordon Brown (him who will lose the next election), and the Dalai Lama (in deference to the struggling monks of Tibet who got beaten up to ensure the smooth running of the Beijing Games) to the Olympic handover party which is being held round the corner from my house in Victoria Park. (14 a Brookfield Road London E9 5AH) (1-6pm free to attend)

Weather permitting we will be holding a barbecue following the event in my back garden from 6.30pm. Should the weather behave like it has done so far this summer and it gets rained off, we will be going to the pub.

Either way it would be good to see you to celebrate the forthcoming four years of anticipation, anxiety and general moaning about how much its costing ahead of the London Olympics.


Simon, Huong, Rachel & Jonathan

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