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New Meetup: New Leaf Rawxpedition

From: Brion
Sent on: Tuesday, July 7, 2009, 4:46 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Viva La Vegan PORTLAND - Metro!

What: New Leaf Rawxpedition

When: July 11,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Beaverton Farmers Market

This is a field trip to the Beaverton Farmers' Market to support The New Leaf salad cart on its fourth Saturday at the Market. While The New Leaf has made great strides in developing a loyal clientele at this large farmers' market, there are still a bunch of potential patrons out there who don't quite get what's happening with freshly made, locally-sourced, entirely organic and vegan salads and dressings, collard/chard wraps, and a menu that changes weekly based on the best ingredients coming off our local farms -- so it's time for us to swarm the arena and get some buzz going!

It's a Rawxpedition!

The Beaverton Farmers' Market is open from 8am to 1:30pm, and 10:30am seems like a good time to initiate some lunch interest without overwhelming the regulars who start showing up at 11:00. We'll meet at The New Leaf salad cart, which is in the center of the market -- you can't miss the wooden cart, green umbrella, and Agnieszka the Leaf Lady. Bring your vegan belly, and $7 for a salad or $4 for a wrap. You can even bring your own utensils, if you are so inclined!

There's also plenty to see at this large farmers' market, including live music and a ton of booths. Directions to the Market can be found on their website:

If anyone needs a ride, please indicate what part of town you are in and we shall get carpools going.

You can find out more about The New Leaf on its blog -- with a weekly menu, stories from the week, and other excitement!

Come support your local raw vegan business! It's a Rawxpedition!

Learn more here:

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