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obvious solution to "currency" problem.

From: ZeroCenter H.
Sent on: Friday, August 5, 2011, 7:00 AM
Robert has a good point:
   "What are we to use as a medium of exchange that is acceptable throughout Clark County as well as the entire State of Nevada and the rest of the country?
   If there is a way to offset (i.e. credit exchange) or discharge (reverse/forward charges) would that also be an "acceptable" exchange mechanism if it eliminates taxes and debts?

   The most obvious observation is why is a "currency" needed?  The simplest and oldest form of exchange is barter ( i.e. credit).  Farmer would take his goods to market and get credit at the 'general store' to purchase other needs.  Same idea can work with the existing system using the U.S. Treasury (if we would put down our swords for a second and try to learn how money/banking works). 

This short booklet is a quick read. It covers the basics:
   WHEN THERE IS NO MONEY, by Byron Beers:

What need is there for "Money" if we can learn how to effectively use the credit we are already creating every day by our signature alone? 
   How much of that credit has been withheld from us (out of our ignorance) that could be claimed back as a refund from the Treasury?  That is:  credit to be used to offset our other existing debts? 

There are several options available, but you wont hear them on patriot Radio shows, or from politicians running for public office. 

 * Comprehensive List of alt-currencies:
  * Best Documentary on alternative to fractional reserve, fiat money banking:
Money As Debt II, Promises Unleashed:
  * More videos re solution to "money" and "currency"

- M.T.

Be the Change:

From: Robert Walker <[address removed]>

Is a medium of exchange necessary?
How many movies have been touted as having secret messages that only a few can see?  I was advised nearly 20 years ago to watch "The Wizard of OZ". 
Neither of you gentlemen have presented a solution to the problem. 
What are we to use as a medium of exchange that is acceptable throughout Clark County as well as the entire State of Nevada and the rest of the country?
There are currently in the United States of America several different forms of currency that are acceptable in a limited area.  I believe they are all based on the dollar. 
I do not have a solution.  I am depending on one of you two gentlemen to come up with an acceptable solution.  Certainly, you don't expect me to take that responsibility, do you?
Peace and Love,
Robert Walker

On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 12:42 PM, Steve Dempsey <[address removed]> wrote:


"MAYBE" you would want to take a look at the Cannes Award winning film???





I "WANT" talley sticks, brass or copper!!! But, I will listen, read and learn!!!

SEARCH, on startpage---

The Secret Of Oz, (add "trailer" to see 4 minute synopsis if desired),

MORE discussion AT Fremont Experience, 4:00 pm, Sat for those who are NOT AFRAID???



----- Original Message -----

From: Jim Duensing

Sent: 08/01/11 11:42 AM

To: [address removed]


I would stake my degree in Austrian Economics from Hillsdale College on the fact that Secret of Oz is pure propaganda.

It's "solution" to the problem of banker controlled fiat currency - is to let Congress control the issuance of money.  Since the evil in the system is the ability of some select group of people to counterfeit money out of thin air - reassigning it to Congress - especially given this debt ceiling stuff - would condemn America to a fate worse than that of France under Louis XVI - when the king claimed the divine right to counterfeit money out of thin air for the good of the kingdom.  It wasn't a new power.  He was just a particularly irresponsible and shortsighted fellow.

The result was a hyperinflation based collapse that brought about mass starvation and the French Revolution.  The government's response to the rising cost of bread was to institute price controls.  You couldn't sell bread above a maximum price that bakers couldn't afford to make it for - even if they gave away their labor.  This caused bakers to choose between going out of business or selling bread above the maximum.  Those who sold bread above the maximum were decapitated by rolling guillotines.  But, that was France.  That could never happen here.

In a free economy no one can counterfeit money out of nothing. 

In a free economy, Money is freely chosen by the participants in the trade.  It is by definition, a commodity.  But it could be any commodity the parties voluntarily choose.  Precious metals - because of several factors - make good money commodities.  They are homogeneous, divisible, relatively valuable for their size, and they are durable goods with known industrial and commercial uses.

The video artfully tries to conflate free choice in money with the international bankers manipulation of and fixing of state prices between gold and silver - which the banking class used to cause economic crises before the federal reserve.  In a free market, the exchange rate of gold and silver fluctuates.  Change in price is how the invisible hand self-regulates the economy.  The bankers decided to fix that exchange ratio at a government mandated price.  This caused runs and destabilization, which the bankers used to funnel real wealth in their direction and away from the people.  The bankers are counting on your ignorance of history to pull it off again and enslave the next 5 or 6 unborn generations with a new system where they control the money supply - through electronic voting machines and Congress instead of through backroom deals at the Federal Reserve.   

The Revolution is Rising.  We are going to win.  History is on our side.  And when we do, it's important we don't let the bankers or fiat currency anywhere near ourselves or our posterity.  It's time to End the Fed and replace it with nothing.  We the People can choose our money for ourself.  The sky will not fall if no one can counterfeit money out of nothing.  In fact, once a small group of people no longer hold the reins on our entire economy, the increased happiness of the American people will be immeasurably great.  

In the meantime, buy nickels.  They are worth about 7 cents. 

In Liberty, with Eternal Vigilance,

Jim Duensing

On 8/1/[masked]:40 AM, Steve Dempsey wrote:

Find out "WHY"???


"The Secret Of Oz." FREE on You tube, ASAP!!!

THANKS to gentleman who gave me a copy week before last Saturday, at Fremont PICKET. I NEED 5-6 more copies if you attend next Saturday???


)Answer--- No more "gold plutocracy"???)



----- Original Message -----

From: Steve, Rocket Scientist

Sent: 07/31/11 10:09 PM

To: [address removed]

Subject: [WE-ARE-CHANGE-LAS-VEGAS] FW: Important Debt Ceiling Update

The Show Must Go On!

Date: Mon, 1 Aug[masked]:38:23 -0400
To: [address removed]
From: [address removed]
Subject: Important Debt Ceiling Update

Important Debt Ceiling Update

President Obama just announced late this evening that a deal has been reached to cut government spending and raise the debt ceiling in order to avoid a debt default. If the deal is approved on Monday, it will raise the debt ceiling by between $2.1 and $2.4 trillion in three installments: $400 billion immediately, $500 billion this fall subject to a disapproval vote by Congress, and $1.2 to $1.5 trillion more after a special committee agrees on a matching amount of spending cuts that will be in addition to $900 billion in spending cuts proposed in the bill. With no tax increases included in this plan, all of this additional debt will eventually be monetized and paid for through monetary inflation.
Although the deal is supposed to cut as much as $2.4 trillion in spending over the next decade, Obama said that none of the spending cuts will occur anytime soon so that not to derail the phony economic recovery. That's right, none of the cuts will come until early 2013 and by then we will need to once again raise the debt ceiling to north of $20 trillion. If our elected representatives were serious about cutting spending, they would have the bulk of the spending cuts now and not in the future when many of them will be out of office.
This deal is a complete and total sham, and will do nothing to prevent hyperinflation. In no way will these spending cuts be mandated and nothing will force future Congresses to abide by them. Even with these cuts, government spending is going to increase every single year for the next decade. As price inflation spirals out of control in the years ahead causing the purchasing power of the dollar to plummet, all government employees will demand higher salaries and it will cost more to run all parts of the government. Future Congresses will raise spending and make the spending cuts proposed in this deal meaningless.
NIA believes that all of the events that took place in Washington this weekend were scripted in advance. It is likely that both parties knew from the beginning what deal they would ultimately agree to, but came out with these other proposed bills in order to satisfy tea party supporters and make them think that their efforts are making a difference. The reality is, although the tea party movement helped Republicans take over the House of Representatives so that Democrats didn't have free rein in Washington, most of the new Republicans elected to Congress haven't followed through with their promises and have failed to make any kind of a positive difference.
Everybody in Washington assumes that interest rates will remain at artificially low levels for the rest of this decade. The interest rate that the U.S. paid on its total marketable debt in the month of June was only 2.38%. Exactly one decade earlier, in June of 2001, we paid 6.162% interest on our total marketable debt or 159% higher than current average interest rates. On August 15th we owe our next interest payment of approximately $30 billion. Imagine if that payment rises 159% higher to $77.7 billion or $932.4 billion annualized. Later this decade, interest rates will not only rise back to normal levels like we had in 2001, but will likely rise to artificially high levels to balance out the damage being created today from artificially low interest rates.
If this bill is approved by Congress and the President on Monday, it will avoid a short-term honest debt default but just about guarantee a default by inflation later this decade. There is about a 1 in 1,000 chance that future Congresses will stick with the spending cuts in this bill, but even if they do, rising interest payments will not only wipe out the $2.4 trillion in spending cuts, but they will add trillions more to future deficits and the national debt. A new Gallup Poll shows that 53% of Americans oppose raising the debt ceiling compared to only 37% who favor an increase. We pray that millions of Americans march to Washington tomorrow in protest of this bill and that millions more call, email, and fax their elected representatives in the morning demanding that they vote no.
It is important to spread the word about NIA to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, if you want America to survive hyperinflation. Please tell everybody you know to become members of NIA for free immediately at:

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