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NYTimes Article - Why So Few Women in Silicon Valley?

From: Einat M.
Sent on: Sunday, April 18, 2010, 11:11 PM

Dear Yazamiyot,


Wanted to bring to your attention an interesting and relevant article that got published in the NYTimes regarding women tech entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley:


It mentions a lot of the issues we discussed: investors approach toward women led ventures, being a mother and an entrepreneur, girls low participation in technology related education, etc’

Just to bring to your attention:

1.       We are currently in the process of bring SpringBoards (mentioned in the article) to Israel.

2.       We have two planned panels with the participation of Yazamiyot from the group in entrepreneurship programs in colleges (Sami Shamoon and Michlala Leminhal).

3.       We are forming a CEO / founder strategy workshop for Yazamiyot lead by one of the lecturers in the Zell program of entrepreneurship from the IDC.


Please share your thoughts with us in our message board:

As always, we are welcoming your feedback and requests.




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