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Panel at Rishon Lezion - College of Management Tuesday 4th May

From: Ornit S.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 3:16 PM
Dear all,

This is to keep you posted regarding Yazamiyot's activities - and of course you are all welcome to attend - we will be happy to see you at the College of Management on Tuesday May 4th at 1930.

Yazamiyot is seeking to reach out to the community of women and promote entrepreneurship in their midst. As such we are starting to organize meetings with women at various stages in their careers.

The first such meeting will be held at the College of Management where students will have the opportunity to discuss entrepreneurship and job opportunities through female role models?.
There will be about a dozen members of Yazamiyot answering the MBA students questions.

We will keep you all posted as to how it went.

Thanks and Best Regards,


Ornit Shinar

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