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New Meetup: "Inspirational Tachles" Series - Yazamiyot Ho Lo Liyot

From: Einat M.
Sent on: Monday, May 17, 2010, 9:59 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Yazamiyot!

What: "Inspirational Tachles" Series - Yazamiyot Ho Lo Liyot

When: Tuesday, June 1,[masked]:30 AM

Ackerstein Towers, Building D, 12th Fl. 12 Abba Eban Ave.

Dear all,

I'm pleased to announce that the guest speaker of our next event is my good friend, Michal Tzur.
Michal is one of the few successful serial entrepreneurs out there. She is President and Co-founder of Kaltura, an open source video platform. Previously she co-founded Cyota, a provider of online security and anti-fraud solutions who served thousands of financial institutions worldwide. In 2005, Cyota was acquired by RSA for $145M.

Please see her full bio below.

The event is to take place on Tuesday, June 1st, at 8:30am in the morning at Plenus offices:
Ackerstein Towers, Building D, 12th Fl, 12 Abba Eban Ave., Herzeliya Pituach

8:30 ? 9:00 Networking
9:00 ? 9:30 Michal Tzur (see bio below)
9:30 ? 9:40 Q&A
9:40 ? 9:55 Pitch by an entrepreneur (TBD)
9:55 ? 10:00 Announcements and summary
10:00 - 10:15 Networking

As seats are limited, please make sure to update your RSVP status.
We're looking forward to having you with us!

Dr. Michal Tsur, President & Co-founder of Kaltura
Michal is an experienced entrepreneur with many years of knowledge of technology startup work. Michal co-founded Cyota and was part of its management team from its inception up until its acquisition by RSA Security, Inc (NASDAQ: RSAS) for $145M (US) in 2005 (RSA was subsequently acquired by EMC Inc (NYSE: EMC)).

Michal was a competitive swimmer, and tri-athlete, she loves hiking and is the mom of Yonatan and Yulie.

Michal holds a doctoral degree in application of game theoretic models to law from New York University, and was a post-doctoral fellow at Yale Law School's Information Society Project where her research focused on Open Source, Memetics, and evolutionary game-theory. Michal also clerked at the supreme court of Israel.

Learn more here:

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