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From: user 3.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 20, 2017, 6:24 PM

Hi Folks,

We are three days away from Larkfest!!!!!!   We will be having our regular outreach table PLUS our first Cube of Truth! There are still opportunities available to volunteer, especially during the 3:30-6:30pm time slot.

If you are participating in the Cube of Truth, please wear all black. The masks, and the signs will be provided by AVN. If you are bringing your own laptop/tablet, it is recommended to download this free easy program to loop videos:

And here are the video clips from Anonymous for the Voiceless to be played at the Cube of Truth:

If you have already signed up to volunteer at Larkfest, it is VITAL to let either myself or Claire ([address removed]) know if you can not make your shift. We are counting on you :-)  Should you need to directly reach me the day of Larkfest, my cell is[masked].

As always, thank you for your support of AVN and for your dedication to a compassionate life!


Kimberly Hosler, VP
Albany Vegan Network
[address removed]

"If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others, why wouldn't we?"
~Pam Ahern, Edgar's Mission~



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