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New Meetup: AUFG visits the Butterfly Exhibit at the Natural History Museum

From: Mark N.
Sent on: Thursday, July 22, 2010, 11:26 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Atheists United Family Group!

What: AUFG visits the Butterfly Exhibit at the Natural History Museum

When: Saturday, August 21,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Natural History Museum
900 Exposition Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90007
(213) 763-DINO

AUFG visits the Butterfly Exhibit at the Natural History Museum.

Meet at 10:30 AM on Saturday, August 21st.

After a couple of hours of strolling and enjoying the butterfly exhibit ("Pavilion of Wings", see further details below), we can have lunch at the T. Rex Express Cafe. There, we can all introduce ourselves, tell the group why we joined, what activities we would like to engage in, and share ideas about raising a family in an AU environment. After lunch, those who want to stay further can visit other exhibits like the Dino Lab or North American Mammals, or just hang around and get deeper into AU issues.

The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
900 Exposition Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90007
(213) 763-DINO

Museum Hours: open seven days a week (except holidays), 9:30 am - 5 pm.

Museum Admission:
Adults $9
Seniors (62+) $6.50
Students 18 and over with ID $6.50
Children 13-17 $6.50
Children 5-12 $2
Children under 4 FREE

Pavilion of Wings
April 11 through September 6, 2010
More than 40 different butterfly and moth species and an array of plants take up residence every summer for our much-anticipated seasonal exhibit, the Pavilion of Wings. Wander through a unique changing and growing ecosystem. Witness wondrous free-flying creatures interacting with plant life and with each other and emerge with a better understanding of the environment needed for the survival of these spectacular animals.

More info at:

Thanks to Peter for the event suggestion!

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