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Taste of Camp Quest in Burbank

From: Atheists U.
Sent on: Monday, September 21, 2009, 10:17 AM
Hi, My name is Amanda Metskas, and I'm the executive director of Camp Quest. We're sponsoring a 1-day Taste of Camp Quest on Sat Oct 3rd in Burbank during the Atheist Alliance Convention there.

Anyway - folks don't need to be registered for the convention to take part in the kids programming and I thought perhaps some local families might be interested. It's basically a way for kids to get together with kids from other Freethought famlies and be part of a larger group.

We mix it up with physical activities like swimming (Red Cross certified lifeguard) and tag along with Freethought games, singing, etc. This year - we have past AAI president doing a theatrical experience around Women's suffrage along with some science games and a "labels" game - so kids can see that they're individuals and people in our community may choose many different labels or none - to identify themselves.

Feel free to contact me or Chris Lindstrom, the Camp Quest West camp director via email or phone if you have any questions. Amanda K. Metskas, Executive Director [address removed][masked] Chris Lindstrom Camp Quest West, Camp Director [address removed] (650)[masked]

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