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Have a great idea for a Ruby project?

From: Jen S.
Sent on: Thursday, May 15, 2014, 12:54 PM
Hi all: 

If you have an idea for a startup, need advisors for a current startup, or are just looking for your next project, check out Founder Dating. It's an invite-only, online network for entrepreneurs to connect with potential cofounders and advisors.  

What makes FD different: 
  • High Quality: each member is carefully screened for quality and readiness. Identities are confidential, but the community includes former founders and early employees from Stackmob, Gilt, Twitter, Loggly and Facebook, to name a few.
  • Balanced: the community is 50% engineering and 50% non-engineering.
  • Global Reach: FD’s online network allows you to connect with people across 23 cities for access to the best entrepreneurial resources without the barriers of a local meetup. 
  • No Idea Necessary: Just be ready to work on a serious side project.


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