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Ruby Nights needs your input

From: Juri H.
Sent on: Friday, September 15, 2017, 5:22 PM

Hi all,

As you know Leslie, Aimee and I have been organising Ruby Nights for the last few years. It’s mostly a fun job, but, if there are no talks offered then it all becomes a bit more stressful.

In the interests of having the meetup run smoothly, we have a request. We need your help, as the Auckland Ruby community, to step up and offer talks, demo’s or other interesting things.

We usually have social coding nights half the time, so that means we’d like to have 6 nights with talks per year. Leslie and I could do one talk per year which leaves 4 nights and one of those could be a night of lightning talks, so in all that’s 4 longish talks and maybe 4-6 short talks that we need people to do each year.

We’re happy to organise the communication around sending out meetup notices etc, reminding people of what months they have offered to do a talk, but we do need people to step up. If we don’t have that, well, perhaps we need to think about whether we want to keep running the meetup, or just diffuse into the other (not remotely so cool ) meetups.

Possible categories:
Hack / Puzzle night
OO Design
Dry Rb ecosystem
Elixir / Phoenix / Elm / Ember
Rails / ActiveRecord, Roda / Sequel, Sinatra, Hanami, Padrino, etc.
Postgres / Redis / Other databases
Ruby robotics / Raspberry Pi’s etc.
Ruby tools / IDE’s / Gotchas

If you can give a talk or run a hacknight, please reply to this mail or choose a month on our doodle poll:

The meetup page:

Your organiser team

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