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Message boards will no longer be available after July 18, 2024.

We recommend saving any important information beforehand. Going forward, you can stay connected with your groups using the Discussions feature (we'll be rolling out some exciting updates soon)!

Learn more about the upcoming changes in this article;

Updates to our Meetup Group: Austin Postgres

From: Debbie C.
Sent on: Friday, January 25, 2019, 12:10 PM


After discussion with past and current organizers of this group, the name and mailing list address for our group has changed to Austin Postgres. This action was taken to reflect and ensure a more inclusive environment for users, developers, and supporters alike including opening up more sponsorship opportunities. We strongly believe that an open source community should not be restricted in its audience and community partners.

The new mailing list address is now [address removed]. If you are using an address book or filter with your e-mail client, you may want to update your settings to reflect the most current address.

Stay tuned for upcoming Postgres-related events and opportunities in our area and beyond.

Have a topic that you'd like to present or would like featured? Let us know!


Debbie Cerda, Co-organizer
Austin Postgres

If you are a PgUS member and wish to communicate with the official U.S. PostgreSQL Association affiliated user group, you can do so via However, due to inactivity on the mailing list it is best to contact me directly.

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