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PostgresConf US 2019: CFP and Early Bird closing soon

From: Debbie C.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 9, 2019, 11:07 AM
Hello All,

We hope everyone had a great holiday season and has a great 2019. 

With January upon us, we start conference season. This year, PostgresConf US 2019 will be in NYC at the Sheraton New York Times Square on March 18-22, 2019. 

Call for Proposals
If you have a story about lessons learned with PostgreSQL, a cool feature that you've found a creative way of using, or just some practical knowledge you'd like to share with your fellow PostgreSQL users, submit a talk. Remember, there are many people who are new to PostgreSQL, so introduction levels talks are welcome. 

The CFP ends this Friday so get your talks submitted soon at:

Ticket Purchase and Discount
Also, the Early Bird window for PostgresConf 2019 will be ending next Friday, January 18. This tickets are pretty substantially discounted if you purchase them early. 

In addition to the Early Bird discount, as a member of the Austin Postgres User Group, you can use a promo code for an additional 15% off. Just use the code 2019_PUG_ATX when buying your tickets. 

We hope to see you at PostgresConf US 2019!

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