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Leafletting Today at Artscape!

From: Don R.
Sent on: Sunday, July 19, 2009, 10:57 AM
Hi Meetup Member,

Leafletting at Artscape yesterday went really well! The turnout was huge! We handed out all 500 pieces of literature we had in less than three hours, and gave away a bunch of bumper stickers as well. Two out of every three people took the veggie info fliers I offered them.

It looks like another perfect day to attend Artscape. So I'm planning on heading back today. If you'd like to help out, please email me before 1:00, or call my cell at[masked]. The event goes from noon until 10:00 tonight.

This year the fair has expanded, and includes new strip of exhibits and food on Charles Street, just south of North Avenue. there's a Natural Foods area directly across from the Charles Theatre. There's a vegetarian stand operating by Kush catering, which has some good veggie wraps. And there's some great vegan ice cream in the booth next to Kush!! I've tried the peach and chocolate mix, and the coconut. Both were excellent!

Hope you will consider getting in on the fun! And give me a buzz if you'd like to help spread the veg message.

Peace, Don Robertson