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Vegans Eating at Taco Bell

From: Don R.
Sent on: Friday, September 4, 2009, 7:55 AM
Doug Mattingly writes:

As an ethical vegan, I prefer not to give my money to companies who
trade in cruelty. I know this is nearly impossible when it comes to
food. But even if McDonald's dedicated a page in their menu to vegan
options, I would never eat there.

> Registered Dietician Mark Rifkin writes:
> For Cole,
> According to the Taco Bell website, there is no sugar or sweetener in
> the pinto beans. However, there is sugar in the tortilla, and the total
> bean burrito is listed as having 3/4 tsp of sugar. Additionally, there
> is partially hydrogenated corn oil, providing 0.5 g of trans fat per
> burrito. Nutritionally, I'd be more concerned about the trans fat than
> the sugar.

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