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Join Us Saturday

From: Don R.
Sent on: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 9:14 PM
Hi Meetup Member,

Wanted to invite you to something that should be fun! The Lutherville Community Annual Yard Sale has always been a great source for bargain hunters. It will happen this Saturday, September 5, from 8:00 am ? 2:00 pm.

My wife Ginny and I will have lots of goodies on display at bargain basement prices. Come and wade through tons of vinyl record albums (mostly 60s and 70s rock, folk, and blues stuff), and many more recent mostly rock CDs. We will also have many books for sale, with lots of self-help and spiritual titles, and many childrens books, as well.

There will be an Earthsave Baltimore information and book sales table (most Earthsave book prices are below retail, but not super cheap) at the event, with lots of great info to support folks in healthier eating. Come by and get your free vinyl GO VEG bumper sticker!

At least another 50+ other homes in different Lutherville neighborhoods will be participating in this annual event. We?re at 517 Talbott Ave., off of Seminary Ave. Come by and say hello. Our stuff will be really cheap and we?ll also be giving away some stuff.

Maps to all of the participating homes will be available at the different locations.
Rain Date Saturday, September 12.

Please stop by if you can!

Peace, Don