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Vegans Eating at Taco Bell

From: Don R.
Sent on: Monday, September 7, 2009, 8:23 AM
Bobbie Lee writes:

Thank you Doug Mattingly for your remarks. I'm thrilled to hear them. I'm new to Baltimore. Just a couple of days ago my sister and her husband came to visit. It was late so we went to eat in what seemed like a Mexican restaurant in Roland Park. With one or two exceptions, all the food on the menu contained critter. On the burgers, for a little extra money you can substitute buffalo for beef. I was truly horrified. I was disgusted simply sitting in the restaurant. I guess my reaction is a very emotional one based on my knowledge of what the European settlers did to the buffalo as a way of destroying the First Nations as well as what we did to the people directly. I was never so glad to get out of a place as I was that one.You can be sure I'll never set foot in that place again.

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