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Filme Brasileiro this Monday at 8 PM

From: Tom
Sent on: Saturday, August 3, 2013, 3:08 PM

Oi, galera! Tudo bem?

This Monday our meeting will start at 6:30, as usual, at the Old Mill Restaurant on Ohio Street, near University Avenue, in North Park. However, some members may decide to leave early to attend a great Brazilian film (see below), which will be shown just a few blocks away at the San Diego Media Arts Center, on El Cajon Blvd. half a block west of 30th Street. The Media Arts Center is a great resource for people interested in the films, culture, and languages of Latin America.

Até segunda-feira!




Southwest (Brazil)
Running Time: 128 min
Synopsis: In this gorgeously dreamlike and mysterious tale, a young woman named Clarice gives birth on her deathbed to a baby girl also christened Clarice by the bruxa (witch) attending the nearly simultaneous moments of death and birth. Spirited away to a remote lakeside village, baby Clarice lives her whole life in the span of twenty-four hours.

Purchase Tickets:

 Tickets: General: $10.50 / Students, Seniors, Members: $8.50

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