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Halloween "Boo" Cruise from New Orleans to Mexico!

From: Deb W.
Sent on: Monday, April 6, 2009, 11:38 PM
Hi everyone. This email is to tell you about the Boo Cruise, which leaves from New Orleans on October 31, 2009, headed across the Carribbean to Mexico ports, for 5 days! I learned about the "Boo Cruise" from a friend who was going on a Disney cruise done by the same cruise company.
The deadline to sign up is August.

The flyer is in the Files section of our BAGH site (see "BooCruiseDetails" at ).

Contact info is at the bottom of the flyer. No one should contact me! Instead, contact Jana Smith,,[masked].

In addition to the flyer, the following is additional info Jana sent me when I asked her about security, and her experience with cruises.

Note that she is looking for speakers for the cruise, and panel participants. Contact her if you are interested!

--deb?(Jana?s info follows . . .)

From Jana:

First, I changed the title of the cruise from ?Boo Cruise? to ?Ghost Hunter?s Cruise?. I was previously working with a partner who wanted to call it Boo Cruise in order to draw in some non Ghost Hunter cruisers. My intention for this cruise was about educating new or not so experienced Ghost Hunters and for others to come together and share new findings/techniques/etc. It?s not about making light of what you guys do. I have attached a new flyer with the new title. (let me know if the title doesn?t change from Boo to Ghost Hunters)

There is simply the 1 flyer attached, no additional materials.

This will be the first year I take this particular group, but it is NOT my first group. I did 3 groups last year on Carnival with Main Street, but have done MANY groups before with previous travel agencies that I worked for. Personally, I have done a dozen or more cruises.

There is a doctor on every Carnival Ship, and security is present as well. The largest security check points are boarding the ship, not just in New Orleans, but in the ports of call we visit as well. If you are concerned about the recent travel warnings in Mexico, most of those warning are limited to towns that boarder the USA. I did call Carnival and ask about the ports of call we are visiting. They do still stop in those ports at this time, there have been no incidents. However, be warned to not wear expensive jewelry or carry lots of cash, and to also stay in busy tourist areas when you get off of the ship to visit these ports of call.

Cruising is really one of my favorite vacations!!! (my absolute favorite being DISNEY!!! Did Liana tell you that we are Disney freaks? LOL) The best thing about it, is that you get to see more than 1 place, and the cruise ship itself is the destination. There is so many activities on board, you will not be bored. The food is great, the entertainment is great. And the ports of call are in addition to all the great onboard activities!

The fine print----YOU CAN GET UP TO 100% REFUND if you cancel by the final payment date. After final payment date, penalties will incur.

Additional Charges---Printed on the flyer, transfers, travel insurance (optional) and gratuities. (mandatory) and of course your transportation to/from New Orleans and any additional days you stay in New Orleans prior to or after the cruise will be your expense.

I currently do have 1 speaker on the cruise, Robert Hunnicutt of the Georgia Ghost Society. I am looking for more. The names you have given me look great! Would you mind sharing with them this information, and if they would like to go and be a speaker, have them contact me? There will be 2 days onboard the ship in which we have a schedule to hear the various speakers. We also are trying to put together a round table type of presentation, in which each group represented on the cruise can stand up, introduce themselves, and share 1 audio and 1 visual piece of evidence they have captured during an investigation.

I do not plan to send out invitations via Meet Up. (it would be spamming) so if you wouldn?t mind helping me spread the word to the groups in your area.

If you feel you could gather a group large enough for a west coast departure, we can most definitely look into that for future dates.

So I hope I?ve answered your questions. Let me know if I can answer any more. I hope you guys can join us on the cruise!

Jana Smith

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