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REMINDER:"Italian Speaking Social Dinner" a "Piazza D' Angelo" (Mill Valley)! DOMENICA 28 GIUGNO!

From: Paolo F.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 23, 2015, 1:54 PM
  • Come join us for this "Italian Speaking Social Dinner" a "Piazza D' Angelo" (Mill Valley)! Meet and network with local Italian expats and culture lovers at our monthly social meetup.

    On SUNDAY, JUNE[masked]! we will meet at Ristorante Piazza d'Angelo (Mill Valley)  

    Ristorante PIAZZA D'ANGELO  
    22 Miller Ave, Mill Valley, CA 94941  

    6:00 pm - Meet in bar area for drinks to mingle and get to know each other.  
    7:00 pm - We will move to the dining room area for dinner.  
    For those who wish to stay on for drinks only, you are welcome to do so.

    Pricing: 40$ (Event fee $2 + a fixed price Dinner @ $38 (Appetizers, Main Course, Dessert Tip & Taxes included - Wine is not included!! - Per favore portate soldi in contanti! - Please bring cash!)).

    Please note: We speak in Italian. Please refrain from speaking in English for this event. Thank you!  
    Attenzione: Parleremo italiano all'evento! Si prega di non parlare in Inglese durante la serata. Grazie!

    Vieni ad unirti con noi per il nostro "Italian Speaking Social Mixer" a P.zza D' Angelo!  
    Ai nostri incontri conoscerai Italiani e persone che amano la nostra cultura.

    Grazie! A presto!