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Anybody want to host the Spring Mapathon on April 11 or 12?

From: Alan M.
Sent on: Friday, April 3, 2015, 10:42 PM
Hi fellow Bay Area OpenStreetMappers!

Lately I’ve been hosting many of the OSM-US Mapathons at Stamen, but these days I’m too busy to keep it up. So I’d like to step back for a little while and give some other people a chance to host the Mapathons. It’s not that hard, you just need enough space for 30 or 40 people, ideally in a central location that’s accessible by transit, and plentiful wifi and outlets. On the other hand, the theme of this Mapathon is “The Great Outdoors”, so maybe instead of a sit-down editathon you’d like to organize an outdoor mapping party? Anything goes!

The next scheduled Mapathon is next weekend: April 11 and 12th. There will be several Mapathons happening in other cities across the US on those two days. It would be great to have one in the Bay Area, too!

To find out more about the OSM US Spring Mapathon, and to sign up to host one, visit the OSM wiki here: https://wiki.opens...­

Happy Mapping!


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