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Book Publishing & Marketing: A Discussion

From: Marina
Sent on: Monday, April 20, 2009, 10:01 AM
Hello Bookcrossers!

One of the members passes on some details for an event which is happening today and if I wasn't already spoken for, I'd likely be taking myself to the Shebeen Pub for the event.

If you're interested in publishing and want to discuss the options available to members of the industry looking ahead to the changing market and state of the book business, this is definitely the event for you. It's being organized by Monique Trottier who was once the marketing manager for Raincoast Books - a smart and talented lady with more than her share of experience in the publishing world.

You don't have to RSVP for the event but take note that there is a $15 cost which includes dinner and a drink (steal of a deal if you ask me). Lots of details at the event webpage:

And if you have or know of an upcoming event that might be of interest to our members, please email me!



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