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Fwd: [betaNYC] NYC Subway Routes (lines) in .shp format

From: Richard D.
Sent on: Thursday, July 17, 2014, 5:26 PM

If you’re willing to put in a little work, LION has segments for the railroads (filter by “FeatureTyp" = ‘1').

You’ll need to filter out the CSX, Amtrak, MNR, and LIRR lines to get the subway, but it’s not that hard and you can create your own styles for the individual routes (if you like).

You can download LION from the Bytes of the Big Apple page here:, but only as an MDB. The shapefile link is broken, but you’re welcome to use the LION version 13 shapefile zip that I downloaded a few months ago here:

Hope this is helpful and good luck on your project.


On Jul 17, 2014, at 4:42 PM, Elcin Ertugrul <[address removed]> wrote:

Does anyone know where can I find the dataset of subway lines in .shp (shapefile) format ? 

I found a one gis file from this website but doesn't overlapped with map Pluto tax maps or either railroad lines shape files. scale and the location didn't match. 

Thank you,

Elcin Ertugrul
M.Eng Product Architecture & Engineering | 2014 [ Stevens Institute of Technology 
M. Architecture | 2005 [ METU ]
B.S Architecture | 2002 [ METU ]

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