Recording: You Are Qualified, Navigate Your Career with Confidence

Watch this conversation with Amanda Nachman, author of #Qualified and CEO of College Magazine on how to adopt a qualified mindset and see all the ways in which your talents, passions, ideas, and skills are transferable.


Landing your first job or starting a new job can be daunting. In this installment of Meetup Live’s Success Series, we discuss how to make your dream career a reality.

Watch this recording for a conversation with Amanda Nachman, author of #Qualified and CEO of College Magazine on how to adopt a qualified mindset and see all the ways in which your talents, passions, ideas, and skills are transferable. You’ll discover how to uncover your strengths and make courageous connections. Leave this event with the tangible steps you need to launch your career with confidence. 

Main Takeaways:

  •  Instead of “you didn’t get that job because you’re not good enough.” Let’s try, “you didn’t get that job, and it’s not personal.” Because what does it mean to be qualified anyway?
  • When I didn’t get those magazine positions. I definitely didn’t feel qualified. But instead of giving up hope. I took three actions for a qualified mindset. I sparked courageous connections. I unleashed my strengths, and I leveled up my story.
 These actions gave me the experience and the confidence later, to start my own magazine called College.

  • DM a day:
    • I want you to head to LinkedIn and look for someone who’s in your dream career, or simply someone who’s doing something that you think is cool. Don’t go for the CEO or the director, look for someone that’s maybe one or two steps ahead of where you are now, because this person is going to be a little more accessible, and they’re not getting messages like this every
day. Here’s what you say:
      You let them know that you’re passionate about their work, and that you would be honored to learn about their career journey. Then, you ask for 15 minutes of their time for an informational interview.

Top Q&A Questions/Resources

  • What if you are unclear about what you want and feel lost about what is right for you?
    • If you’re unsure about what you want, I cover a lot of that in my book. I really defined passion as, not this extreme, level 10, I love this thing, I must achieve it. It can be a level one passion. It could just be something like, that’s cool, that will be fun. To me passion is also the intersection of your interest, your strengths and your values.

  • If you are not the type to admire people, how do you gush about someone when you are seeking an informational interview?
    • I don’t think you need to gush so much just let them know that you would be appreciative of their time. At the end of the day, the idea isn’t, “let me tell you all about me, and why you should talk to me, and why you should help me get a job,” it should be, “I want to learn about you and what you’re doing and how you got to where you are, because I think
 that’s super interesting.”

Last modified on November 2, 2021